We’re going to look at getting a massage versus going to a chiropractor for any of your aches, pains, or ailments. Especially, when we’re talking about pains in your neck and shoulders or the back. Particularly, the lower back.
In some circumstance you may visit a chiropractor with massage therapy as an added benefit. It would depend on what’s troubling you as to which one you’d see first. Nowadays, you can also get a chiropractic massage. This is where you’ll combine chiropractors with massage therapy.
So let’s dive in to what massage therapists and chiropractors do so you know who to go see.
What Does A Chiropractor Do?
The primary focus of a chiropractor is to make adjustments to the neck, spine, and other skeletal systems in the body. Chiropractors will also work on hard tissue in the body. When the neck or spine encounters repetitive stress or traumatic injury causing misalignment a chiropractor can work to realign vertebrates or other skeletal systems. The goal is to reduce the restriction of joints which will increase mobility and help with any pain.
Another theory behind chiropractic treatments is that by properly aligning the spine your body will have a better ability to heal itself. Oftentimes, a patient might be recommended to a chiropractor before an evasive surgery is performed to correct an issue on the neck or back.
What Does A Massage Therapist Do?
Massage Therapists manipulate the muscles and soft tissue in the body. Working these parts of the body has a lot of benefits from reducing stress to reducing pain and improving sleep. A massage therapist will focus on trigger points which are specific muscles or tissue which are tight or giving you aches and pains. You can also get a deep tissue massage where the therapist will use slow movements and heavy pressure to target specific muscles. If you just want to feel more relaxed you can get a Swedish massage where you’ll have increased blood flow and circulation.
A massage can be focused on all parts of the body. We tend to think of the back and shoulders, but you can also focus on the face, scalp, and even sinuses. Taking care of your body with the occasional massage has proven to be beneficial to help you look younger, feel better, and improve your overall health.
Massage Vs Chiropractor
For Neck Pain
There’s probably not a person reading this that hasn’t had some neck pain. We’ve all woken up to a stiff neck or turned our head quickly that caused a little tweak in the neck. The same goes for your back. We’v all lifted heavy objects or experienced soreness for some other reason in the back. But at what point should we go see someone?
If the pain doesn’t go away on it’s own after a few days then you should consider seeing a chiropractor first. That’s because chiropractors work with the spine and hard tissue which would be the primary causes for most ailments in the neck. They can make adjustments to the spine, if needed, and alleviate pain with anything from misaligned vertebrae to a pinched nerve in the neck.
For Shoulder Pain
A chiropractor can also help with some of your shoulder pains. If the pain is caused by joint restrictions than a chiropractor can help realign the joints in the shoulder. The main shoulder ailments a chiropractor can help with are:
- Dislocated Shoulder
- Frozen Shoulder
- Shoulder Bursae
- Rotator Cuff Injury
- Strains & Sprains
- Tendonitis
However, you may also benefit from a shoulder massage. The best massage for shoulder pain is a deep tissue massage or a Swedish massage. A good shoulder massage can help relive tension, stiffness, and pain. which can give you relief in that area.
For Upper Back Pain
Most upper back pain involves the spine. For this reason you’ll likely want to see a chiropractor first. Even though there are muscles in your back the muscles are largely surrounded by the spine. These muscles help to stabilize and move the spine. The upper back is the largest area of spine, and also connects to the rib cage making the area a very complex part of the body.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a common cause of back problems. The fascia, which is connective tissue supporting the spine and skeletal system, is damaged causing pain in the upper back. Chiropractors can help to apply direct pressure on the pain trigger points to help make you feel better.
Although rare, you may also suffer from a thoracic disc herniation. However, a disc herniation in this area is usually very painful. A chiropractor is usually consulted before going the surgical route since this would be a more invasive surgery. Another thing to consider, which a chiropractor can consult you on, is ergonomic training for your upper back if something like posture is a part of the problem.
For Lower Back Pain
An estimated 85% of the population will suffer from lower back pain at some point that’s severe enough to see a doctor. The lower back takes on the most stress from heavy lifting, bending, and twisting when it comes to our daily activities and routine. Therefore, this is the area that is most frequently injured and causes the most ailments.
Chiropractic care is not only a good way to realign any slipped or herniated discs, but can also help to reduce swelling in the area. You’ll likely also see some improved mobility, range of motion, and flexibility after working with a chiropractor. With improvements in these areas along with feeling less pain you might also notice that the muscle tone and strength will also improve in the lower back. The reason for this is with less pain you will knowingly or unknowingly use your back more as part of your daily routine. So you the muscles will strengthen.
Massage And Chiropractic Together
What Is A Chiropractic Massage
You may be trying to figure out who to go see – chiropractor or massage first? Something to consider is getting a chiropractic massage. This is combining chiropractors with massage therapy. So what can a chiropractic massage do for you?
Well, combining chiropractors with massage therapy can have many positive benefits. The chiropractic portion of the session will focus on realigning the neck, spine, or skeletal systems that are causing the ailments. Hopefully, the joints that are restricted are set back into place relieving any pain you have. Once those adjustments are made the massage therapy can begin.
The massage therapy portion of the session will help all of the aches and soreness involving muscle and soft tissue. A major benefit that comes with getting a massage after a chiropractic adjustment is that blood flow will be increased to the skeletal system that was just corrected. This benefit will not only help you feel better in the short term, but could also help with less frequent adjustments needed in the long term.
Final Thoughts On A Massage Vs Chiropractor
Sometimes it’s difficult to know whether you should get a massage or see a chiropractor first. Each serves a different purpose. The chiropractor adjusts the skeletal systems, and a massage therapist will help with muscle and soft tissue.
Unless you knowingly have a specific issue related to the skeletal system or your muscles it might be beneficial to get a chiropractic massage. Combining chiropractors with massage therapy is showing to be beneficial.
Personally, I like more frequent massages as part of a routine. Through a massage you’ll have increased blood flow and other benefits to the body which can help reduce your visits to a chiropractor. I try to reduce chiropractic adjustments if I can. At times, I consider a massage to be a preemptive therapy to not need as many chiropractic adjustments.